This was supposed to be a simple silhouette for a weather vane. Thinking back it must have been a caffeine buzz that influenced events. A silhouette would have been too easy right? I started thinking if I just do this or that and round this and make a few tail feathers…it’ll be easy. So what if I give the customer a baker’s dozen! The next thing I knew I was calling the owner to see if they still wanted it. It was much more than they had ordered. Somewhere in the discussion they got the idea it was free. Not only did I not get paid for a 3D rooster, I didn’t get paid for the weather vane price either. It’s been on top of their refrigerator ever since. Fortunately this has become one of my best selling sculptures.
Lifesize Turkeys
Cowboy & Cowgirl Children
Bluegrass Couple
This project was for the 2014 Hardtimes Bluegrass Festival.

Fly Fisherwoman
Fly Fisherman
Starving Steer
This sculpture was commissioned by a sportsman as a gift to a rancher who had granted him permission to hunt. After setting a budget he just turned me loose. Modern ranching is tough enough even without environmentalists and mad cow scares. When I think of hard times ranching, I think of Charlie Russell’s “Last of The 5000”. Forging a sick looking steer seemed like the perfect job for me.
I forged a head, body, two front legs and two hindquarters and welded them all together. A scrap piece of ½” plate was formed to make the snow base and they were fastened to an old fence post.
Indian Buffalo Hunting
I knew it was a little ambitious to try this, at least on the budget I had to work with. Plan A was to take plasma cut silhouettes and pound some detail into them and call ‘em good. The next thing I knew the project had become three-dimensional. I forged the buffalo’s head from a 2”x3”x5” billet of mild steel. There is a left and right side, front legs, and hindquarters all welded together. The horse was done basically the same way.
These started out as individual trophies for a Logger Days Contest. I used scrap metal from a bankrupt sawmill to build them. The trunks were four segments of steel cable forge welded together. The limbs were from worn out chainsaw chain. The base was ½” plate and the rocks were made from a hinge pin from a loader.
Moose Antler
Pine Cone Bookends
Pie Contest Trophy

Logger Days Trophy

Sandhill Cranes

Western Art

Sink with Back Splash
Every time I look at the sinks my shoulder hurts. I may never attempt to hand forge sinks again. I started with 3/16” plate and found it was tricky to forge them the same size and shape. Two were for a typical bathroom vanity and one was for a saddle sink. The wall vanity was made with some 1/8” plate bent to 90 degrees and edged with some 1/4×1” strip. It has an auburn patina and a wax finish.
Animal Tracks
Years ago a customer ordered a wrought iron picture frame with wolf tracks stamped into it. After the project was done, it bothered me to see the track stamp tool sitting idle for years at a time. There had to be another use for it. One day I grabbed a piece of scrap metal, stamped a track into it and polished it up. Calling it a trivet I donated it to a group for an fundraising auction. It was a hit and brought strong money. I now make Wolf, Mt Lion, Grizzly, Bison, Elk & Moose tracks. The stands are made from old railroad spikes. Because of their popularity we now offer them in rustic frames.
Please check out our currently available page for more information.